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Nanotech Scenario Series

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Recent Website Additions/Changes

bulletNanotechnology Scenario Series
bulletChallenges and Pitfalls of Exponential Manufacturing
bulletNanotechnology and Future WMD
bulletFive-Minute Molecular Manufacturing
bulletCRN Task Force Essays
bulletNanotechnology Basics: For Students and Other Learners
bulletSander Olson Interviews
bulletMilestones & Moving Forward
bulletCRN Global Task Force on Implications and Policy
bulletDeveloping Molecular Manufacturing

CRN Press Releases

bulletMike Treder Takes New Position at Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, March 9, 2009
bulletScenario Series Depicts Nanotech Revolution, December 11, 2007
bulletCRN Leadership Team Expands, September 24, 2007
bulletCRN to Host Molecular Manufacturing Conference, July 9, 2007
bulletBritish Breakthrough Highlights Nanotechnology Policy Gap, January 24, 2007
bulletNanotechnology Report Creates Urgency for Preparation, December 8, 2006
bulletNanotechnology’s Radical Future Discussed in Australia and New Zealand, October 5, 2006
bullet CRN's Mike Treder invited on speaking tour of New Zealand and Australia, June 6, 2006
bullet Nanotechnology Expert Analysis: Huge Impacts from Tiny Tech, May 8, 2006
bulletNew Nanotechnology Analysis: Tiny Tech Brings Huge Changes, March 27, 2006
bulletAnnouncing Formation of New Task Force to Study Societal Implications, August 15, 2005
bulletNanotech: Moving Closer to a Manufacturing Revolution, May 17, 2005
bulletMolecular Manufacturing: Step by Step, March 31, 2005
bulletCRN announces the Wise-Nano project, October 14, 2004
bulletNSF misses the point on nanotechnology, September 7, 2004
bulletCRN and students team up to tackle nanotechnology issues, June 21, 2004
bulletLeading nanotech experts put 'grey goo' in perspective, June 9, 2004
bulletCRN named 'Best of the Best' by Nanotechnology-Now, January 2004
bulletPublished Debate Shows Weakness of MNT Denial, December 1, 2003
bulletNanofactory design study prompts concern for preparedness, October 26, 2003
bulletCRN issues call for global administration of molecular nanotechnology, October 21, 2003
bulletCRN releases technical commentary on Greenpeace nanotech report, September 2, 2003
bulletCRN offers qualified endorsement of Greenpeace nanotech report, July 30, 2003
bulletCRN forms Board of Advisors, June 19, 2003
bulletCRN publishes list of future nanotech dangers, April 21, 2003
bulletPatchwork regulation of nanotech could be grave danger, February 15, 2003
bulletShutdown of nanotech irresponsible and dangerous, January 31, 2003
bulletNanotech could be a tragedy or a triumph, January 17, 2003

Nanotechnology Press Kit

Nanotechnology Now is the premier site on the Web for news updates and general information about nanotechnology. On their site you can find a new "Nanotechnology Press Kit", a centralized source for accurate and informative background materials. It's the definitive reference guide for reporters and other writers on the subject.

The Nanotechnology Press Kit is divided into ten sections:

  1. Overview
  2. History of Nanotechnology
  3. Introduction to Nanoscale Technology
  4. Introduction to Molecular Manufacturing
  5. Molecular Manufacturing Myths
  6. Risks and Benefits of Nanoscale Technology
  7. Risks and Benefits of Molecular Manufacturing
  8. FAQ
  9. Glossary
  10. Additional Resources

CRN was pleased to participate in this joint effort to create a comprehensive clearinghouse of information. Contributors included: Adam Keiper, managing editor of The New Atlantis; Paul Holister, chief architect of the Nanotechnology Opportunity Report; Rosa Wang, strategic consultant for Geographic Engine; Steve Burgess of Burgess Forensic; Jonathan Swartz, research fellow at the Center for Law, Science, and Technology at Arizona State University; and Chris Phoenix, CRN's Director of Research.

Articles of Interest to CRN

(NOTE: Since beginning our daily weblog, we're highlighting new articles there, and no longer posting them here.)

bullet 3D fabrication technique uses light-activated molecules to create complex microstructures, Eurekalert, February 2004
bullet Nano-origami, Scripps Research Institute, February 2004
bullet Virtual Nanotech, Science News Online, February 2004
bullet Espionage at the Atomic Scale, Chemical & Engineering News, February 2004
bullet Best of Nanotechnology - 2003 Awards, Nanotechnology Now, February 2004
bullet Nucleic acid nanotechnology—towards Ångström-scale engineering, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, January 2004
bullet "Exponential" Thinking for the Future, Tech Central Station, January 2004
bullet Nanotechnology: Time to Make a Choice, Betterhumans, January 2004
bullet Nano not terrifying, China View, January 2004
bullet Nanoparticles in the brain, Nature, January 2004
bullet Scientists told to think small, The Age, January 2004
bullet The Smaller the Better, Reason Online, January 2004
bullet Molecular nanotechnology fully loaded with benefits and risks, Small Times, January 2004
bullet Israel and India to collaborate on nanotechnology development, India Press Information Bureau, December 2003
bullet Is Nanotechnology Real?, IRANSCOPE, December 2003
bullet Swiss nanotech predictions, The Scientist, December 2003
bullet Experts examine the barriers to public acceptance of nanotechnologies, CORDIS News, December 2003
bullet Can Art Make Nanotechnology Easier to Understand?, National Geographic News,
 December 2003
bullet Commentary on the U.S. 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, Nanotechnology Now, December 2003
bullet Encryption revolution, 2theadvocate, December 2003
bullet Kurzweil analyzes Smalley-Drexler debate,, December 2003
bullet K. Eric Drexler and Richard E. Smalley square off, Chemical & Engineering News, December 2003
bullet Theoretical Analysis of a Carbon-Carbon Dimer Placement Tool for Diamond Mechanosynthesis, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2003
bullet Mapping the Debate over Technology, Tech Central Station, September 2003
bullet Age of molecular nanotechnology is closer than we think, Small Times, September 2003
bullet Honey I Shrunk the Robots,, August 2003
bullet The Nanotechnology Revolution, The New Atlantis, August 2003
bullet Molecular Manufacturing: Start Planning, FAS Public Interest Report, August 2003
bullet 3-D Printing's Great Leap Forward, Wired News, August 2003
bullet Future technologies, today's choices, Greenpeace, July 2003
bullet The Atkinson-Phoenix Nanotech Debate, Nanotechnology Now, July 2003
bullet Personal Fabrication, The Edge, July 2003
bullet How to Get the Benefits of Nanotechnology with Fewer Risks, Betterhumans, June 2003
bullet Supporting responsible nanotechnology research will benefit Europe's citizens, says head of unit, CORDIS News, June 2003
bullet Creating the 'world's leading nanotechnology cluster', KurzweilAI, June 2003
bullet Senate Committee Approves Nanotech R&D Bill,, June 2003
bullet Critique of William Atkinson's "Nanocosm", Nanotechnology Now, June 2003
bullet Voices from the grass roots call for responsible nano policy, Small Times, May 2003
bullet Terror of tiny tech, The Bulletin, May 2003
bullet How to Grab an Atom, Physical Review Focus, May 2003
bullet Nanotech giving birth to a whole new revolution, San Francisco Chronicle, May 2003
bullet Visions of the Nanofuture, Tech Central Station, May 2003
bullet Halting nanotech research 'illogical', says pioneer, New Scientist, April 2003
bullet Testimony from Christine Peterson, US House of Representatives Committee on Science, April 2003
bullet Congressional hearing addresses public concerns about nanotech, KurzweilAI, April 2003
bullet Defense Department expands nanotechnology research, Silicon Valley, April 2003
bullet Science police needed?, The Scientist, April 2003
bullet Measuring the Risks of Nanotechnology, Technology Review, April 2003
bullet The Future of Nanotechnology: Molecular Manufacturing, EurekAlert!, April 2003
bullet Nanotech Hearing Gets Congress Thinking, Small Times, March 2003
bullet Small Dangers, Tech Central Station, March 2003
bullet China to set up Nano Science Center, People's Daily, March 2003
bullet The Next Material World, Industry Week, March 2003
bullet Nanotechnology confrontation is looming, Betterhumans, February 2003
bullet ‘Mind the gap’: science and ethics in nanotechnology, University of Toronto, February 2003
bullet Experts criticize call for nanotech moratorium, Betterhumans, February 2003
bullet Bucky Diamonds In The Rough, Physical Review Focus, January 2003
bullet Watchdog group calls for shutdown of MNT R & D, Small Times, January 2003
bullet Nanotechnology: the potential for new WMD, Jane's, January 2003
bullet Scientific critique of Michael Crichton's 'Prey', Nanotechnology Now, January 2003
bullet "Gadget printer" promises industrial revolution, New Scientist,  January 2003
bullet Peres: Invest $600-700m in nanotechnology, Globes Online, January 2003
bullet Ethical Administration of Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Now, December 2002
bullet IBM reveals world's tiniest transistor , New Scientist, December 2002
bullet Three Systems Of Ethics For Diverse Applications, Nanotechnology Now, November 2002
bulletNanotechnology and Mass Destruction: The Need for an Inner Space Treaty, Disarmament Diplomacy, August 2002

CRN was a non-profit research and advocacy organization, completely dependent on small grants and individual contributions.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Center for Responsible Nanotechnology TM        CRN was an affiliate of World Care®, an international, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.