Nanotech Scenario Series

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"Mike Treder was one of our most engaging and
popular speakers for
Crossroads. He added great insight to the discussion on nanotechnology
and aging research." - Lynne Marie Stout, Producer
"Mike provided insight into how to best prepare
society for emerging technologies, specifically nanotechnologies, that could
potentially result in drastic changes to our way of life." - Nora Savage,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
MIKE TREDER, Executive Director of CRN, is an accomplished speaker, writer, and
presenter on the societal implications of emerging technologies. Mike
makes complex topics understandable, relevant, interesting, and entertaining.
Invite him to address your group, company, organization, or meeting
— you
will learn and you’ll be inspired!
“21st century
science and technology offer the most wonderful benefits and the most serious
risks we've ever faced. The human race can't afford to get it wrong.” – Mike
More information on
Mike Treder

CRN’s Director of Research, is
one of the world's leading experts in
advanced nanotechnology. He is highly sought after for business consulting,
governmental advice and speaking engagements. Chris has presented his
research findings to the National Academy of Sciences,
the Environmental Protection Agency, and at international conferences on
nanotechnology. His papers have been published in distinguished scientific
journals. As a speaker, Chris is creative, knowledgeable, engaging, and
“Molecular manufacturing will be
extremely powerful, but very few people know what that really means. We must
understand its projected impact on politics, economics, law, sociology, and the
environment.” – Chris Phoenix
More information on Chris Phoenix