Nanotech Scenario Series

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Note: The Center for
Responsible Nanotechnology was an affiliate of
World Care, an international,
non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. The opinions expressed by CRN in our
newsletters and elsewhere do not necessarily reflect those of World Care.
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C-R-Newsletter #65:
October 4, 2008
Global Catastrophic Risks
Convergence 08
Scenarios Becoming Real
The End of Capitalism?
CRN Goes to Spain
Funding for Independent
CRN Goes to Greece
Feature Essay: The Human
Extinction Scenario
To keep up with all
the latest CRN and nanotech activity on a daily basis, be sure to check our
Responsible Nanotechnology weblog.
Global Catastrophic Risks
CRN is proud to join with the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
to present an exciting and informative one-day seminar -- Friday, November 14,
2008 -- on “Global
Catastrophic Risks” at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View,
Learn about threats to the future of humanity, natural and man-made, and the
pro-active steps we can take to reduce these risks and build a more resilient
Nick Bostrom Ph.D., Director, Future of Humanity Institute,
Oxford University
Jamais Cascio, research affiliate, Institute for the Future
James J. Hughes Ph.D., Exec. Director, Institute for Ethics and
Emerging Technologies
Mike Treder, Executive Director, Center for Responsible
Eliezer Yudkowsky, Research Associate. Singularity Institute for
Artificial Intelligence
William Potter Ph.D., Director, James Martin Center for
Nonproliferation Studies
This event comes just ahead of the futurist mega-gathering
Convergence 08 at the same venue (see below). Please
join us for this
essential seminar!
Convergence 08
On November 15-16, 2008, the world’s most dangerous ideas will collide in
Mountain View, California.
will examine the world-changing possibilities of nanotech
and the life-changing promises of biotech. It is the premier forum for debate
and exploration of cogtech ethics, and ground zero of the past and future
infotech revolution. Convergence 08 is an innovative, lively
the first and only forum dedicated to NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) technologies.
CRN will be there, and we hope you will be too. Discounted
early bird
registration is available until October 20.
Scenarios Becoming Real
Although we're quick to point out that the
nanotechnology scenarios developed by the CRN Task Force are not
predictions, it's interesting to follow the news and see how some early elements
we hypothesized are starting to take place.
We’ve compiled a few
RepRap Release & Scenario #2
IDEAS Factory Funding & Scenario #3
Water Treatment Breakthroughs &
Scenario #5
Accelerated Warming & Scenario #8
And here’s
another one:
Banning Chinese Products & Scenario #3
Again, the scenarios should not be viewed as predictions, nor do they represent
outcomes desired by the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. CRN intends the
scenarios to provide a springboard for discussion of molecular manufacturing
policies and societal responses. While each scenario can be understood
individually, the real value of the process comes from the comparison of
multiple scenarios.
The End of Capitalism?
Does the present financial crisis signal the
end of capitalism, as we
know it? We don’t think so, but we do believe it could signal a
fundamental systemic shift.
During the last comparable upheaval, back in the 1930s, most of Europe began
moving toward a system of democratic socialism, which is still in place today.
The US never went as far, of course, and in fact retreated from that direction
in the 1980s and 1990s in a move toward laissez faire economics that many
people blame in part for our present troubles.
At the same time, China has, since the 1980s, combined one-party politics with
robust capitalist economics and achieved astonishing financial growth. Russia's
present leadership seems eager to follow that example, while the US may lean
more toward Europe and others in adopting socialist management of health care
and various major financial institutions.
If that happens, we would end up with something like the old Cold War alignment,
but with the economic systems flipped around. It’s possible we may see, over the
next decade or so, a clear realignment that puts communist capitalism --
China and Russia -- on one side, with democratic socialism -- the United
States, Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada on the other side. India, Africa,
and South America would remain in the middle, to be wooed and/or fought over by
both sides.
CRN Goes to Spain
Last month, CRN Executive Director Mike Treder traveled to Spain to make a
presentation to a group of faculty and students about the effects of
nanotechnology on globalization.
In addition to speaking about economic, military, and humanitarian implications,
a major point he made was the projected continuum between global warming,
climate chaos, geoengineering, and planet-scale engineering.
You can read more about those remarks in CRN’s
latest monthly column
for Nanotechnology Now.
Funding for Independent Researchers
The European Research Council has good news for "early career independent
researchers" working in "any field of science, engineering, and scholarship."
They are offering grants totaling almost half a billion US dollars for qualified
researchers from any country who have an innovative idea and need funding to
explore or develop it.
Proposals can be submitted in three broad areas:
Physical Sciences and Engineering (by 29 Oct)
Social Sciences and Humanities (by 19 Nov)
Life Sciences (by 10 Dec)
Read more here.
CRN Goes to Greece
Later this month, CRN’s Mike Treder will make a presentation at the World
Public Forum’s “Dialogue
of Civilizations” in Rhodes, Greece. Mike will report to the group on this
subject: “From ‘top down’ to ‘bottom up’ -- In technology, economics, and
World Public Forum is “a deliberative-consultative body that unites various
public organizations, members of organs of government, representatives of
intellectual, cultural, spiritual, business and political elite from different
countries, representatives of various cultural traditions, people that strive
for contribution in dialogue among civilizations.”
Their mission includes
“the creation of effective and democratic instruments of solving of global
problems and realization of evolutionary changes in the structure of modern
Mike looks forward to meeting and exchanging ideas with the event’s esteemed
Feature Essay: The Human Extinction Scenario
By Jamais Cascio, CRN Director of Impacts Analysis
It's 2019. A major pandemic has swept the planet, with upwards of 25 million
people infected. Global food networks have collapsed, and riots over food
supplies are in daily headlines around the world. The transition away from
fossil fuels is underway, but a lack of standards, failing infrastructure, and
catastrophic mistakes have made the shift far more painful than expected.
Pirates fill the seas, hackers attack key networks, and "griefing" has moved
from the world of online games to our information-laden real lives. War,
drought, and climate disruption have pushed millions out of their homes
throughout the world, a global diaspora that grows daily.
And into this set of interwoven crises, an announcement: According to the most
sophisticated global computer simulations ever run, the human species is likely
to go functionally extinct by 2042.
What do you do?
This is the premise behind Superstruct, a
new project
organized by the Palo Alto, California-based
Institute for the Future (IFTF).
The Institute has been around for 40 years, a non-profit think tank offering
structured forecasts to a variety of global clients. For 30 years, it has
produced an annual "Ten-Year Forecast," highlighting trends and topics that the
combined work of the various IFTF associates deem likely to be important over
the coming decade. This year, for the 2009 forecast, IFTF decided to do
something different: Rather than rely on its internal experts, they would
"crowd-source the future," opening up the foresight process to thousands (or
more) of participants.
IFTF is doing this crowd-sourcing in the form of a game -- Superstruct.
Superstruct (meaning to build upon) is a "massively-multiplayer forecasting
game" designed by Ten-Year Forecast director
Kathi Vian, noted game
specialist Jane
McGonigal, and me, environmental futurist (and the Director of Impacts
Analysis at the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology)
Jamais Cascio. I have
worked as a part-time Research Affiliate with IFTF for a few years now. For
Superstruct, Kathi makes sure that the work fits in with Ten-Year Forecast
goals, Jane has organized the game structure, and I've been in charge of
building the game world.
Unlike World of Warcraft or other massively-multiplayer online worlds,
Superstruct is not played as a traditional computer game. Rather, it's perhaps
better thought of as a collaborative storytelling exercise, but with rules.
Participants will be asked to describe in detail how they themselves will be
living in 2019, and how they would respond to the crises presented -- and to the
announcement of the likely extinction of humankind. Moreover, the participants
will be asked to work together to come up with new forms of organizations --
superstructs -- that could offer novel ways to deal with the crises at hand, and
help push out the extinction horizon for the human species.
Participation takes the form of videos, blog posts, twitter feeds, and active
contributions on the Superstruct discussion boards. Already, creative early
participants have produced novel materials, even entire websites, based in this
fictional world of 2019. Twitter chat has been underway for at least a week;
Superstruct-related posts either have the #2019 tag, or come from a Twitter
account with 2019 in its name (e.g., my game-related Twitter feed is at
So where does advanced nanotechnology fit into this?
The five "superthreats" described at the beginning of this essay (given the
catchy titles of "Quarantine," "Ravenous," "Power Struggle," "Outlaw Planet,"
and "Generation Exile") may at first seem like a cacophony of catastrophe, as if
we've overloaded the world of 2019 with more than its fair share of disasters.
In truth, while the conditions may in some cases be exaggerated, the number and
complexity of the problems on the planet strongly parallel what we see today:
global economic meltdown; peak oil; struggles against violent extremism;
multiple simultaneous wars; and environmental crises galore. These problems
haven't gone away by 2019, but they serve as the background conditions that made
the superthreats possible.
But we're not just offering an eschatological laundry list for participants to
deal with; we're also talking about the various tools and ideas that could be
available to us to deal with these crises. The design team decided early on that
full-blown molecular manufacturing, while certainly a possibility within this
time-frame, would not be available -- we didn't want fixing the world to be too
easy. But that research is underway, and has started to bear early fruit -- much
more precise microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), even borderline
nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Moreover, the fabber revolution is well
underway, and many of the nanotech-related issues surrounding intellectual
property, open source design, and access to materials have already begun to
Moreover, if you look back at the eight scenarios
produced by the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology last year, you'll note
that deep crises can serve as a catalyst for accelerated development of advanced
technologies. While the scenario behind Superstruct doesn't map precisely to any
single CRN scenario, it has elements that reflect nearly all of them.
Nanotechnology-aware participants in Superstruct should look for ways in which
the early precursor technologies likely to be available by 2019 can help to
enhance other kinds of projects. The heart of Superstruct can be found in the
combinations of ideas and organizations created by the players -- the goal isn't
to be the one person who can save the world, but to be the one who sees the
right kind of collaborative structures needed. To that end, we have a small
number of judges (including science fiction writer Bruce Sterling, graphic
novelist Warren Ellis, and Heroes producer Tim Kring) who will offer
their own, unique awards at the end of the project. Players will also be able to
earn badges and other smaller awards along the way.
When this is done, not only will Superstruct participants have access to the
entire body of material created by the other participants, in 2009 they'll also
receive IFTF forecast work produced as a result.
Superstruct play officially begins October 6, and the project will run through
November 17.
Help create the future -- and maybe avert human extinction -- by playing
C-R-Newsletter #64:
August 15, 2008
Big Boost for Molecular Manufacturing
CRN Goes to Oxford
Looking Ahead
CRN Goes to Washington
Superstruct the Future
Nanotech and the Big Picture
CRN Going to Spain
Guest Essay: The Perfect Storm
To keep up with all
the latest CRN and nanotech activity on a daily basis,
be sure to check our
Responsible Nanotechnology weblog.
Big Boost for Molecular Manufacturing
Research in diamond mechanosynthesis -- building diamondoid nanostructures
atom by atom using scanning probe microscopy, a technique seen as a first step
toward mature molecular manufacturing -- has received a major boost with a
$3 million grant from
the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, awarded to
Professor Philip Moriarty at the University of Nottingham for a “Digital Matter”
project. In a series of laboratory experiments, Moriarty and his research
partners will spend up to five years testing proposed “tooltips”
developed in sophisticated computer simulations by Robert Freitas and Ralph
Merkle of the Nanofactory Collaboration.
This is truly big news. It's the first time we've seen such significant
government spending on research directly connected to molecular manufacturing.
Our response, as always, is to urge equivalent funding
and attention for the positive and negative implications of nanofactory
CRN Goes to Oxford
Last month, Mike Treder and Chris Phoenix, the
co-founders of CRN, made a joint presentation titled "Small Machines, Big
Choices: The Looming Impacts of Molecular Manufacturing" at a
Global Catastrophic Risks conference held at Oxford University in England.
The talk was well received and generated lots of discussion, as well as a
review from Ronald Bailey, science correspondent for Reason magazine,
who attended the conference and published his observations.
Looking Ahead
A group of leading nanotechnology researchers recently asked CRN executive
director Mike Treder to provide a current “best-estimate
timeline” for the eventual development of molecular manufacturing. The
primary conclusion (see previous link) is that nanofactory technology “might
become a reality by 2010 to 2015, more plausibly will by 2015 to 2020, and
almost certainly will by 2020 to 2025.” That statement seems reinforced by the
big news item in the opening entry of this newsletter.
CRN Goes to Washington
At the end of July, CRN’s Mike Treder
gave a talk at this
year’s World Future Society (WFS) annual conference. Here is his first-hand
report on the event:
In 2005, for my first appearance at the annual conference of the
WFS, I was given a small room with only 25 chairs, and I was scheduled for a
9:30 PM presentation. My topic was “Do Sweat the Small Stuff: Why Everyone
Should Care about Nanotechnology.” To my surprise and delight, the room was full
and in fact we had another 10 or 15 people standing at the back.
Last year in Minneapolis, I gave my second talk at a WFS annual
conference, this time on the topic of “Nanotechnology and the Future of
Warfare.” The room was larger, with seating for about 50, and again it was
filled to overflowing.
This year I traveled to Washington, DC, for the 2008 conference,
where I gave a one-hour presentation on "Radical Technologies, Rapid Change, and
the Real World." This time, they were prepared for a bigger audience to attend,
with a large room and seats for at least 100 people. But guess what -- it still
wasn't big enough -- once again, we had a standing room only crowd.
You can
download a PDF of the talk that Mike presented, and you can also download
the full text of all eight future scenarios that
were discussed in his presentation.
Superstruct the Future
Jamais Cascio is not only CRN's Director of
Impacts Analysis, he’s also a research fellow at the
Institute for Ethics and Emerging
Technologies, co-founder of
WorldChanging.com -- and
one of the lead developers behind the new
Superstruct project:
This fall, the Institute for the Future invites you to play
Superstruct, the world’s first massively multiplayer forecasting game. It’s not
just about envisioning the future -- it’s about inventing the future. Everyone
is welcome to join the game.
“It's the year 2019, and humans have only 23 years to go, as the
Global Extinction Awareness System starts the countdown for Homo sapiens.”
Fun stuff. If you’d like to know more about the game and how you
can get involved, read the
Superstruct FAQ.
Nanotech and the Big Picture
latest column for the popular Nanotechnology Now web portal has just
been posted. Here is the abstract:
When CRN was founded five years ago, our intent was to assist in
establishing the technical feasibility of molecular manufacturing, to mount a
convincing argument that it would be a disruptive, transformative technology,
and to raise awareness of the potential imminence of its arrival. Now we need to
step back and look at the bigger picture...
We hope you'll read
all our
columns, offer feedback, and tell others about them too.
CRN Going to Spain
In early September, CRN’s Mike Treder will travel to Spain to make a
presentation on “Nanotechnology and Globalization” as part of a three-day annual
event sponsored by the Basque Savings Bank Federation. In previous years they
have covered the digital revolution, sustainable development, demographic
evolution, climate change, and other issues. If you are in Spain and can attend
the event, be sure to say ‘hola’ to Mike.
Guest Essay: The Perfect Storm
By Jeffrey L. Treder
Jeff Treder, older brother of CRN executive director Mike Treder, is a retired
English professor and published author. Here he offers an overview of past and
future trends that may be relevant to the development and deployment of
molecular manufacturing.
The Perfect Storm
In October, 1991, two weather systems merged in the Atlantic off New England
to produce a maelstrom that earned the title “the perfect storm.” Subsequently
that evocative phrase has been applied metaphorically to any number of tumults.
Now it seems possible, even likely, that the phrase might legitimately describe
something much bigger than a nor’easter. Four things, distinct but deeply
influencing one another, are about to impact our world in ways hard to predict
but foolish to ignore. These four are climate change, oil and natural gas
passing their supply peak, fresh water depletion and pollution, and population
Their mutual influence is obvious. Often they reinforce one another, sometimes
in positive feedback loops (positively harmful to people). Over the last 150
years, fossil fuel consumption has empowered massive population growth and has
become a major cause of long-term climate change. Population growth (along with
technological and economic growth) in turn has greatly increased the rate at
which fossil fuels are consumed. Just while oil and natural gas are passing
their production peak, they are being consumed ever faster, meaning that the
effects of gradually decreasing supply will be felt relatively abruptly. Both
population and economic growth aggravate the depletion of water supplies for
drinking, irrigation, and manufacturing. Together, these four historical
mega-events will reverberate in various ways: food production will be unable to
keep pace with demand, bringing on famine; fresh water supplies are already
being depleted and poisoned worldwide, spreading famine and disease, which in
turn reduce governmental stability; governmental instability leads to repression
and armed conflict of every sort. Meanwhile, the reigning economic theory,
capitalism, tells us we must have constant economic growth in order to bring
profit to the investors who finance the growth -- the perfect feedback loop.
More growth means more production, more people, more consumption, more
pollution, more climate change. The earth is a small house stuffed with people
eating the emergency rations, and the toilet is backing up.
I am going to attempt a forecast of how these things may play out over the next
two decades. All the details are of course speculative, but keep in mind that
the forces in play are not speculative. The earth’s climate is warming and the
glaciers are melting. The fresh water supply is already precarious. At current
rates of consumption, oil and natural gas production is bound to start declining
pretty soon; the only serious debate is over just how soon, and political events
in the Mideast may speed the decline. The earth’s population is estimated to
have been less that one billion in 1800, close to two billion in 1900, and over
six billion in 2000; we will be seven billion in just a few more years.
When two vehicles collide head-on, the impact speed is the sum of the individual
speeds. Likewise, the collision of global population and economic growth with
environmental degradation and fossil fuel and fresh water depletion is going to
make many changes occur faster than they otherwise would and faster than we
Keep in mind also that I am talking about what I think is most likely to happen,
not what I want to happen or think ought to happen. Reality, whatever it may
turn out to be, trumps our wishes and oughts.
Climate Change
Climate change, a.k.a. global warming, is now denied only by the uninformed
or the disingenuous. The earth’s temperature is rising and human activity is
largely if not solely the reason why. Our activities release carbon dioxide and
methane, the chief greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere in ever increasing
amounts. We are destroying much of the vegetation that absorbs carbon dioxide,
especially by cutting down rain forests and by polluted water runoffs which make
the oceans slightly more acidic, killing off plankton. Humans have already
removed half of the earth’s forests and wetlands and are hard at work on the
remaining half. Each of the last five decades has seen more flooding and
wildfires worldwide than the decade before. Polar and mountain glaciers are
melting faster than even most alarmists predicted. Hurricanes and tornadoes are
more frequent and stronger. Fisheries are collapsing, due both to overfishing
and to warming water. Coral reefs are dying. Droughts are worse and deserts are
No matter what we do now, these trends will continue over the next few decades.
If everyone from governments and transnational corporations to SUV owners
immediately starts doing what environmentalists are telling them to do, global
climate might stabilize by the end of the century. But that is a very big if.
Most likely, people won’t change their ways until fuel prices and shortages
force them to.
Prediction: The planet’s weather will continue to grow more violent. Droughts,
heat waves, dust storms, and flooding will be particularly hard on human life.
Increasing temperatures will kill off vegetation and dry up water resources, and
their loss will lead, in a destructive feedback loop, to even more warming. The
Amazon and Indonesian rain forests will suffer drought and massive wildfires,
sending up thousands of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Fresh water
supplies will be critical by 2020 and will be a major cause of migration and
conflict. Due both to thermal expansion and glacial melt, the sea level will
slowly rise, and by 2030 low lying coastal areas like Bangladesh, the Nile
delta, the Netherlands, London, and southern Florida and Louisiana will be
inundated during storm seasons. Much of Venice will be abandoned.
The Global Oil Peak
As to fossil fuel depletion, I am assuming, and I believe, that those
analysts are correct who see the global oil production peak occurring by 2010
(if it has not already occurred), in the same way that U.S. production peaked in
the early 1970’s. The easy-to-extract-and-refine part of the world’s oil fields
has already been burned up. Of the remaining less exploited fields, the chief
one is offshore of Africa, south of Nigeria in the “armpit.” Drilling and
pumping there will involve all the customary African politics; oil production is
a long-term operation and African politics are capricious. The profits will go
to the oil giants and to the current high office holders in Nigeria, Cameroon,
Angola, and a few others. Most jobs on the rigs require training and experience,
which most Africans lack. And if oil is produced there in significant quantity,
the effect will be to stretch the global depletion curve while adding to the
burdens of economic growth and climate change. More oil will only amplify the
impending collision.
Whenever we pass the global production peak, we will only know it in hindsight.
Total production will gradually zigzag downward, and prices upward, but we will
only know for sure that this trend is more than temporary about ten years after
it begins.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the oil peak is the psychological one. A
lot of oil will still be being pumped and refined, if not quite as much as a
decade before. But everyone will know by then, though some will still deny, that
the handwriting is on the wall. The next few years will be worse, and the years
after that worse still. Visible on the horizon will be a day when “civilization
as we know it” will be over. Airlines, factories, trucking fleets, industrial
fertilizer, petrochemicals, and commutes -- all those things that burn petroleum
or are made from it -- will be in a terminal shrink. Coal will outlast oil, but
it is a more potent climate changer. Nuclear, solar, and wind power will help a
little but nowhere near enough; they can’t, for instance, fly airplanes.
Unemployment will balloon and the global economy will be sliding inexorably into
depression. People will react in various way to this crisis, mostly unhappy
ways. It will be one more component in humanity’s extreme psychological stress.
And then there is the political factor. The world’s largest oil fields are in
the Mideast. The main underlying reason why the U.S. invaded Iraq and overthrew
Saddam was in order to gain and maintain de facto control over those oil fields.
The official explanation for this, beyond rooting out the malignancy and his
supposed Al Qaeda connections and WMD, was to bring stability and democracy to
that politically challenged region. Predictably, and as widely predicted, that
effort couldn’t succeed and didn’t. Whatever the next twenty years may bring to
the Mideast, it won’t be stability. Iraq seems to be headed for civil war,
possibly a long one. The totalitarian regime in Iran will certainly try to
control the outcome of that war. The U.S. government may feel driven to go to
war against Iran. Lots of things are possible and the most likely ones are bad,
bad for the locals and bad for the West’s oil supply.
Prediction: Driven especially by steeply rising demand in China and India,
alongside unslackened demand in the U.S., the price of oil will continue
ratcheting upward, and so will the price of everything that depends on oil, like
food, fertilizer, plastics, lubricants, manufactured goods, and transportation.
In short, the cost of living will keep going up. Rising fuel prices will force
more airline bankruptcies and mergers; increasingly, only the wealthy will be
able to afford air travel. Somewhere in the 2010-2020 decade the bloated and
sublimely corrupt House of Saud will fall to a radical Islamic revolution. The
flow of Mideast oil to the West will be seriously disrupted, after which air
travel will become rare, the province of governments, corporations and
millionaires. There will be war between Israel and a coalition of Islamic
nations, a very bloody war climaxed when Israel, out of options, goes nuclear.
And then the U.S. and China, desperate from oil starvation (among other
desperations), will go to war over control of the Arabian and African oil
fields. In the process those oil fields will largely be destroyed. By 2030, the
remnants of the world’s oil and natural gas supply systems will be dysfunctional
and fought over.
Global warming and the disruptions caused by it, by population pressure and
poverty, and by fossil fuel depletion will promote the spread of disease. AIDS
will lead the way, devastating China, India, Southeast Asia, and Russia just as
it has already devastated sub-Saharan Africa. Since we are at the top of the
food chain, and since our whole environment is increasingly polluted, most of
the food we eat is laced with toxins, which lower our bodies’ resistance to
disease. Sometime in the next twenty years there is likely to be another
worldwide flu pandemic like the one that killed millions in 1918-19. Malaria,
dengue fever, cholera, and tuberculosis will continue to ravage the poorest
regions of the world. The poor will become poorer still, many of them dying, but
no nation will escape the economic, social, and emotional damage of chronic and
epidemic diseases
Ecological Loss
Concern over the loss of some percentage of the earth’s millions of plant
and animal species seems to most people, and certainly to most Americans, an
incomprehensible fuss motivated mainly by green-warm-fuzzy sentimentality. There
is more to it than that, though. Deforestation, desertification, pollution, and
urbanization -- modern humanity’s footprints -- are disrupting and destroying
ecosystems all over the planet. Population pressure and soil exhaustion are
driving farmers to push into ancient rain forests, slashing and burning to clear
the land. Rich natural biodiversity is being replaced by chemically sustained,
large-scale monoculture. When we harm our natural environment, we harm
ourselves, often in ways that are hard to detect and understand, the full
effects of which may not show up for some time. The complex interdependency of
the life forms in an ecosystem isn’t just a biology teacher’s mantra. For
millennia, the earth’s forests have been steadily absorbing carbon dioxide and
giving off oxygen, and now we are steadily bulldozing and burning them while
replacing them with cars, trucks, buildings, pavement, airports, power plants,
and farmland, most of which consume oxygen and spew atmospheric pollutants. It’s
as if we are in a race with ourselves to see which we will run out of first,
drinkable water or breathable air.
The growing scarcity of clean, fresh water is the most unambiguously severe
threat confronting us. We can live, sort of, without oil, but not without water.
There is good news and bad news here. The good news is that, as with oil, water
won’t be running out on us all at once. It’s a gradual thing (though less
gradual recently), and some regions are affected more severely than others. The
bad news is that the problems we have created for ourselves are largely
irreversible. Once the great underground aquifers are depleted, they won’t be
replenished for something like a thousand years -- if untapped. Farmland which,
through irrigation, has been sterilized by mineral salts is similarly going to
remain unproductive for a very long time, like the former Fertile Crescent which
is now Iraq. As the glaciers downsize, we get less meltwater from them. River
dams silt up over time, thus holding less water, and dredging them is expensive
-- in money and energy -- even where technically feasible. Much of our remaining
fresh water, in aquifers, lakes, rivers and reservoirs, is dangerously polluted
from our mining operations, industries, toxic wastes, irrigated agriculture,
herbicides, pesticides, livestock, and, in many parts of the world, untreated
human sewage. Air pollution turns rain into acid rain.
Water scarcity is now a problem in most parts of the world, and in three large
regions it has become critical -- Australia, northern China, and the southwest
part of North America (from Kansas down to Central America). Global warming will
probably make these dry areas dryer still, even as their dams continue silting
up and even as they are pumping deeper into their aquifers and getting ever less
groundwater at ever higher costs (more energy required). Major cities in these
regions depend on that disappearing water: Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Beijing,
Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego. The odds against Las Vegas are about ten to
Along with famine and political turbulence, water scarcity will be a main cause
of mass migration, notably from North Africa into Europe and from Central
America and Mexico into the United States. Both of these migrations are already
underway, of course; as the numbers grow, so will conflict. And Latin Americans
will have to keep going when they reach Southern California and Arizona. There
won’t be enough water there either.
The Green Revolution of the 1960’s enabled farmers in many parts of the
world to grow food much more efficiently and abundantly, and thus enabled the
population to keep on growing. That revolution coincided with the advent of
large-scale industrial farming, and it was made possible entirely by cheap and
abundant oil. All this increasing energy consumption in “developing” countries,
for agriculture and livestock feed as well as for factories, office buildings,
road construction, trucks and cars, is helping to hurry the world past the oil
peak. (If the poor nations share in the blame, of course, the rich ones,
especially the U.S., get the glutton’s share.) The slowdown in oil-based food
production, along with water scarcity and soil salinization, will spread famine
in Africa, China, India, Central and Southeast Asia, and many other parts of the
world. At the same time, overfishing coupled with global warming will exhaust
the world’s harvest of wild fish; fish farming will help, but it won’t make up
the difference. The reduction and unreliability of long-distance transportation
will require that most food be grown locally. Water for drinking and irrigation
will be scarce and fought over. There will be widespread anarchy, and many
localities will be ruled by warlords, gangs and militias (variant terms for
similar things) fighting among themselves -- West Africa gives us a preview.
Even local food production and distribution will be difficult under such
conditions. By 2025-30, millions of people will be dying every month from
starvation, disease, human violence, and natural disasters. By 2030 the world
population, after having peaked at around 7.5 billion, will be down below 5
billion and falling.
After the implosion of the Soviet Union came the high-minded but misguided
and doomed attempt by the Clinton administration to impose democracy and
capitalism on a society completely unready to receive them. For many centuries
the Russian people had been accustomed to autocracy and authoritarianism, both
from the state -- tsars and then commissars -- and from the Orthodox church.
Russian culture has always been deeply hierarchical and paternalistic. The poor
and weak are resigned to being regimented -- what we tend to see as oppressed.
They don’t necessarily like it, but they prefer it to Western-style freedom,
because they know intuitively that in their culture, freedom would mean a
violent, winner-take-all free-for-all. That is just what it did mean in the
1990’s, and the reasons why are easy to see in hindsight (and were seen by many
in foresight).
The Russians had none of the civil institutions and customs of a democratic
society, such as property and contract law, a secure and well-regulated banking
system, an independent judiciary, and above all a cherished concept of civil
liberty and responsibility. So when the Soviet state crumbled, the more powerful
Soviet apparatchiks, under a smokescreen of democratic blarney, seized the
remaining economic assets, including heavy industry and, especially, natural
resources (the only really valuable asset) -- mining, oil, and natural gas.
What has emerged is an authoritarian, paternalistic (think Godfather) gangster
state, run by a band of billionaire thugs who massage the masses with fascist
rhetoric and who are determined to regain international respect (again, think
Godfather). The country’s physical infrastructure, however, is in much worse
shape even than America’s. Their environmental pollution as almost as bad as
China’s. Their oil and natural gas deposits have already passed their production
peak, and the income from these will decline as the global economy sinks. How
the Russians will react to this is unpredictable. We may hope that their nuclear
arsenal and its delivery systems deteriorate faster than the psychic state of
the bosses. The long-suffering Russian people will go on with disease, alcohol
and apathy.
China’s problems now and in the near future are the problems of the rest of
the world writ larger and sooner. And China has real big problems. The collision
of economic growth with environmental disaster is happening there in news-cycle
slow motion, historical fast motion. China has one-fifth of the world’s people;
whatever happens to them is going to affect us all.
They have the world’s worst air quality; they bring a new large coal-fired power
plant on line every week, and they are adding new cars and drivers at a pace
similar to America in the 1950’s. Their great ambition is to surpass America in
all things; their first breakthrough is the production of greenhouse gases.
Pollution in their rivers and coastal waters has killed off most of the fish.
Most of the sewage of thirteen hundred million people goes into the ground water
system untreated. Most of that polluted river water is sucked out for irrigation
and industry, both of which pollute it even more, before a toxic trickle of it
reaches the sea. Overgrazing, soil erosion, and aquifer depletion, coupled with
climate change, are causing wholesale desertification on the dry northern plain.
Poorly educated peasants continue to leave overcrowded rural villages and stream
into overcrowded cities where they join a hugely overcrowded labor pool and get
hungrier as they watch the lifestyle of the wealthy minority. To their mind, the
government has made promises it isn’t delivering on, or is delivering very
unequally. As for the Communist (well, militaristic authoritarian) leaders, they
are experts at riding the tiger. They know the tiger well, but it keeps getting
bigger and more agitated.
Prediction: Around 2015, widespread, desperately violent peasant uprisings will
be harshly suppressed by the army. Before 2020 the economy will implode under
the combined weight of overpopulation, environmental ruin, epidemic disease, and
loss of overseas markets due to global economic conditions. That will lead to
civil war. After great bloodshed, the army will manage to establish military
rule over most regions of an exhausted, impoverished country. As noted above,
China’s leaders will probably feel driven to go to war with America over control
of Mideast and African oil, a war neither former great power will be able to
win. By 2030 China’s population will be around 800 million and falling
The United States
Apart from the United States’ indulgence in human slavery and the consequent
and calamitous Civil War, the nation has enjoyed a singularly favored history.
Recently, however, the richest nation ever has drifted (and sometimes barged)
into serious problems. These problems include the mammoth national debt, the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and the financial cost thereof), a financial
system regulated after-the-fact (Enron, mortgage loans), oil dependency, aging
infrastructure, unaffordable healthcare, retiring Baby Boomers, personal debt
(particularly through “credit” cards: that is, debt cards), porous borders,
drought in the West, and a government (regardless of party) which is reactionary
in the most literal sense, failing to anticipate trouble but instead reacting to
it histrionically and often counterproductively. And the list goes on .... Any
two or three of these might be manageable, but in company with climate change,
the whole list is a backbreaker.
The trouble with the national debt is that the government can only keep on
servicing it (forget repaying it) as long as the economy keeps on growing.
Whether or not a continuously growing economy is a good thing, it won’t happen.
Among the numerous reasons why it won’t, the first is probably our participation
in the globalized economy. It is the computer, an American invention, which has
chiefly empowered globalization, and that is ironic because, while the global
economy has both benefits and costs, the U.S. gets more of the costs than the
benefits. Globalization has compromised the economic independence of all
nations, and as the richest nation, the U.S. has the most to lose -- at least a
lot of middle-class Americans do, those whose jobs have been deported to
lower-wage regions. It’s cold comfort to tell these people that instead of
clerking at Walmart, they can regain a sufficient income by retraining to be a
computer programmer, a surgeon, a CEO, or a lawyer.
The trouble with personal debt is that many are using it to subsidize inadequate
income and in lieu of retirement savings -- savings essential since few
employers offer pension plans any more. The trouble with healthcare is that many
of us can’t afford the insurance premiums and almost none of us can afford a
hospital stay without insurance. (Two of the main reasons why our healthcare is
so expensive are our infatuations with high-tech machinery and with lawsuits.)
The trouble with the war in Iraq is that we can’t win it and we can’t quit and
go home without jeopardizing our oil supply. As with China, the old image of
riding the tiger applies -- can’t stay on, can’t get off. Altogether, too many
Prediction: The U.S. will enter a period of “stagflation” as in the 1970’s --
flat or falling incomes, rising unemployment, and rising prices (mainly due to
rising energy costs). After Saudi Arabia falls to Islamic fundamentalists,
energy shortfalls along with mounting debt and a middle class falling into
poverty will increasingly cripple the U.S. economy. Walmart will go bust. Social
Security cuts will push more retirees into poverty. By 2020 the whole global
economy will be in a tailspin. Before 2030 we will go to war with China --
last-ditch and hopeless -- for control of the major oil fields. After that,
things will get worse all around.
Why We Probably Won’t Deflect the Perfect Storm Before it Arrives
Most of the experts who have written on these interrelated subjects conclude
their analysis with recommendations about what we must do in order to avert a
catastrophe. Usually they are guardedly optimistic about our willingness to
actually do what must be done, and do it in time. I have no argument with such
optimism except that, obviously, I don’t share it. I expect that some people,
some groups, even some governments (not, however, major ones like the U.S.,
China, India, and Russia) will take some steps that will do some good, but it
won’t be enough, because overall we are motivated mostly by short-term
self-interest, as we perceive it. We do in fact act as if there were no
When the opportunity came to pump non-renewable water and oil from underground,
we pumped and used them as fast as we could, even after we realized that our
grandchildren and their children will have to do without. Even now that most of
us realize that our lifestyle is altering the earth’s climate in ways that will
harm the human race far more than help it, what are we doing? So far, at least,
rather than cutting back, we are pumping more water and oil, digging and burning
more coal, sawing down more forests, plowing and irrigating more land, making
and driving more cars and trucks, manufacturing and buying more luxurious
gadgets, and evidently we will keep on doing so until the economic and
environmental costs become absolutely prohibitive. We justify such behavior on
the grounds that our economy has to keep on growing, because if it doesn’t keep
on growing, our lifestyle will begin slipping -- never mind that all this
economic growth is incontestably at the expense of our descendants.
There once was a time when more was better, but now what we have is already too
much and more is a disaster. There is scant evidence to suggest that we are
about to suddenly convert ourselves en masse into self-denying, far-seeing
altruists. In the meantime, having sown the wind, we begin reaping the
Suggested Reading
James Gustave Speth - The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism,
the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability
James Howard Kunstler - The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate
Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century
Kenneth S. Deffeyes - Hubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage
John Ghazvinian - Untapped: The Scramble for Africa’s Oil
William H. Calvin - Global Fever: How to Treat Climate Change
Jared Diamond - Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Maude Barlow - Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle
for the Right to Water
Lester R. Brown - Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization (Third Edition)
Pat Murphy - Plan C: Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate
and the enduring classic
Marc Reisner - Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water
C-R-Newsletter #63: May 31, 2008
Doing the Impossible
Climate Change Evidence
Geoengineering Debates
Responsibility to Protect
Power, Perspective, and
CRN Speaking Schedule
Feature Essay: Nano, Geo, Uh-Oh
To keep up with all
the latest CRN and nanotech activity on a daily basis,
be sure to check our
Responsible Nanotechnology weblog.
Doing the Impossible
In April, Jason Gorman, with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and
Technology, announced that
“the first real steps towards building a microscopic device that can construct
nano machines have been taken” by researchers, and that their “early prototype
for a nanoassembler” had been described in a peer-reviewed publication.
A new nanoscale motor, able
to control movement “with a precision of less than the diameter of an atom” --
in other words, with atomic precision -- also was announced in late April, this
time by researchers in Spain.
Michio Kaku, the renowned physicist who was one of the developers of string
field theory, says that many
things that people today call impossible -- such as desktop nanofactories,
which he calls ‘personal fabricators’ -- probably aren’t. In a new three-part
program broadcast on the BBC, Kaku says: “Perhaps these "impossibilities" are
merely very difficult engineering problems.”
Climate Change Evidence
New and stronger evidence of atmospheric global warming is cropping up all the
time, so much so that NASA's top climate scientist, James Hansen,
warned recently that,
“We've already reached the dangerous level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."
In other words, we are at, or very near, a climate tipping point.
Decreasing snowfall levels
in the Alps and elsewhere portend problems for both tourism and agriculture
(which depends on snowmelt for irrigation), while increased levels of invasive
species (such as giant Burmese pythons in Florida) could wreak havoc on
indigenous plants and wildlife in areas around the world.
Honey bees are dying out as never seen before, and some experts think the cause
is increased levels of CO2.
Coral reefs are seriously endangered, and ocean phytoplankton is disappearing at
a dangerous rate too. Mysterious ocean dead zones may be linked to acidified
water, likely traceable to the greenhouse effect.
Given that we now have all this convincing evidence, it’s not surprising that
debates over global warming have taken a
major turn in recent
months from whether or not it’s a real problem to how we can best manage the
problem. CRN believes
that all nations should immediately begin implementing known measures for
drastically reducing carbon emissions, while at the same time pursuing the
development of new technologies, including molecular manufacturing, that may
make a big difference further in the future.
Geoengineering Debates
As evidence mounts of the damage that global climate change could do to both the
environment and the economy, not to mention threatening the lives of millions or
even billions of people, some analysts are thinking about large-scale
engineered solutions to
combat the problem. Whether it is seeding the ocean with iron, or spraying huge
amounts of sulfates into the atmosphere, or even placing giant mirrors in space,
such previously fanciful notions are now being seriously considered in some
The website of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has launched an
online debate between several
informed and influential scientists to consider the question of geoengineering:
how much, how soon, which methods might be safest, and what else could be done
Although CRN is generally taking a precautionary approach toward geoengineering
-- not unless and until it is absolutely necessary, and only then after fully
exploring the possible side effects and preparing for unintended consequences --
our analysis suggests it may
indeed be attempted someday. We will continue to argue that the most
responsible approach is to
strictly limit carbon output while promoting development of renewable energy.
Responsibility to Protect
After the devastating cyclone that struck Burma (Myanmar) in early May, leaving
more than 100,000 dead and over two million homeless, the international
community was largely appalled
by the inaction and intransigence of the military junta that rules the country.
This quickly raised the question of whether and when some sort of
forceful intervention
superseding an irresponsible government’s national sovereignty might be
sanctioned as an emergency relief effort.
We see a possible precedent
between the UN’s “Responsibility to Protect” in this and other similar cases,
and the eventual need for action to control rogue deployment of molecular
manufacturing technology. Since the founding of CRN, we have been concerned that
the exponential proliferation of nanofactory technology may make it essential to
create an international administration to regulate it. That may not prove to be
necessary, but just in case it does, it would be helpful if the world already
had experience in managing global challenges with a collaborative consensus
The long-term move toward internationalist solutions for ending conflict,
preventing deprivation, and ensuring human rights also may find an application
in developing sources of clean, renewable energy. So says Michael Berger of
Nanowerk, who calls for a collaborative ‘nanotechnology
Apollo program’. We like that idea, and we also hope that growing concerns
about the risks associated with today’s early-generation nanotech will provoke
the adoption of common international standards and meaningful regulation that
could pave the way for an eventual
global administration of
molecular manufacturing.
Closing this section on a high note, we’re pleased to report that a non-profit
group we promoted in the early days after the Burmese cyclone is having
significant success in
getting relief to villagers who badly need it and who’ve been let down by their
tyrannical government. Avaaz.org is making a big difference. Many still suffer,
but without their efforts, many more would be starving or dying of disease. We
encourage you to support them.
Power, Perspective, and Post-Humanity
No matter how interesting and enlightening are the discussions that CRN and
other groups engage in and conduct, how much power do any of us truly have in
making our big ideas matter? It turns out that we and at least one other analyst
have proposed that in the real world, there may only be about 6,000 to 7,000
people -- or roughly one in a
million -- who possess true power.
It’s fascinating, though, to try placing the tiny segment of time in which we
live into a larger perspective. Inspired by the iconic film, “Powers of Ten,” we
performed a similar exercise going backward and forward in
time by powers of ten, with
results that generated a lot of interest on the Internet.
Complexity certainly seems to be the upswing. But does it also herald the
end of civilization? That’s
the thrust of a recent cover story in New Scientist magazine. After
examining that article and also a rebutting piece by another commentator, we
concluded that trying to negotiate the narrow passage between between collapse
of civilization on one side through overuse or misuse of technology, and
replacement of our current civilization on the other side through surrender to
the machines may be exceedingly difficult. More likely is that our civilization
will end, as has every one before it, and that its replacement will be a new
civilization built upon the old. But the entities creating and inhabiting that
new order will not be humans as we know them. Instead, the majority will be
posthumans of some form or other, perhaps human-machine hybrids, bio-engineered
chimeras, redundant virtual superintelligences, or something else we can't even
CRN Speaking Schedule
Over the next few months, CRN executive director Mike Treder will make
presentations on advanced nanotechnology at the following events...
June 17-19: International Conference on Nanotechnology, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia
June 25: Workshop on Emerging Issues, Washington, DC
July 17-20: Conference on Global Catastrophic Risks, Oxford, UK
July 26-28: WorldFuture 2008, Washington DC
September 3-5: Basque Country Program on Globalization, San
Sebastian, Spain
Find more information here.
Feature Essay: Nano, Geo, Uh-Oh
By Jamais Cascio, CRN Director of Impacts Analysis
Stewart Brand once said, "We are as gods, and might as well get good at it."
More and more, I think this should be rephrased as, "We are as gods, and we'd
better not screw things up."
Even today, we underestimate our own power. With the advent of molecular
manufacturing, we're likely to underestimate just how much we're underestimating
Case in point: geoengineering.
I pay close attention to developments in this arena. Geoengineering (or "geo,"
as many in the field refer to it) is the idea of using large-scale engineering
to modify the planet's geophysical systems. These days, it typically refers to
efforts to slow or halt global warming through the manipulation of the
atmosphere and/or oceans. Some versions of geo go after atmospheric carbon
directly, while others simply try to reduce incoming sunlight (or "insolation")
while we make the necessary changes to our economies and societies to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
As you might imagine, geo is the focus of both intense scientific study and
political debate.
Like molecular manufacturing (MM), much of the debate around geo's implications
and risks exists in the anticipatory vacuum: the technology (for MM or geo) is
not here yet. All we have to go on are our understandings of present-day related
technologies, our models of how the future technologies will emerge, and our
core philosophies about how people act. What's often left out is the
intersection of these drivers, such as how new technologies can reshape how
people can (and will) act. In the geo mailing list I inhabit, for example, one
of the leading posters has made it clear that he considers concerns about how
much highly-motivated individuals or small groups could do with geoengineering
proposals to be ridiculous. Geo would require the resources of a nation, in his
That might be true for today. But it won't be true forever -- or, arguably, even
for very much longer.
The deployment of molecular manufacturing technologies will give individuals and
small groups production capacities far beyond what we've ever experienced.
That's what the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology has long argued, and it's
a crucial point. Whether we're talking dry nano or wet, diamondoid or
biomimetic, the ability to shape materials at a molecular scale with systems
able (in principle, at least) to self-replicate will be fundamentally
transformative. We simply can't reliably apply our understanding of how people
behave with limited capacities to a world where individuals no longer face those
same limits. With molecular manufacturing, we'll be hard-pressed to make a clear
distinction between the potential power of individuals and the power of nations.
Many of the scenarios portraying the misuse of this kind of power rely on the
bad behavior of anti-social individuals or groups -- terrorists, the criminally
insane, the ludicrously careless. It's far more likely, in my view, that the
more difficult risks associated with molecular manufacturing will come from
people who think they're doing the right thing for the world. Individual efforts
at geoengineering rank high on my list of molecular manufacturing scenarios
filed under "road to hell paved with good intentions."
What might such scenarios look like? Although some might try to carry out basic
plans that present-day geoengineers predict nations will undertake somewhere
down the road (such as pumping megatons of sulphur dioxide particles into the
lower stratosphere), that's not MM thinking. How about millions of diamond
micro-drones, running on sunlight, able to stay in the air indefinitely, both
blocking a fraction of insolation and increasing overall planetary albedo? Or,
systems that filter and sequester CO2 right out of the air?
Systems that automatically hunt down large greenhouse gas emitters anywhere on
Earth and shut them down wouldn't technically be geoengineering, but would
operate on a similar scale.
These may all sound appealing to varying degrees, but if done without
coordination, testing, and oversight, they could be disastrous. One person doing
this might not be a major problem. A dozen, a hundred, a million people around
the world trying something like this would be catastrophic.
We are increasingly moving into a world where individuals and small groups
possess orders of magnitude more power than ever before. For now, that power is
largely limited to the Internet, where influence and ability to make changes is
not necessarily proportional to organizational size. But as we start building
the technologies that allow us to treat the physical world with the same rules
as the digital world -- in terms of replication and reach -- we'll soon see the
same kind of disruption of traditional measures of power.
It's not just a case of needing to be ready for people who aim to do wrong with
this new power. We'll also need to be ready for people who aim to do right with
it, too... but screw things up.
C-R-Newsletter #62:
March 31, 2008
Powerful Nanoscale Computer
More Enabling Technologies
Visions of the Future
Empowering Hope
Disruptive Nanotechnology
New Nano TV Show
Debating CRN's Scope
Archiving Nanotech
Guest Science Essay: Atomic
Force Microscopy
Every month is full
of activity for CRN. To follow the latest happenings on a daily basis,
be sure to check our
Responsible Nanotechnology weblog.
Powerful Nanoscale Computer Created
A potentially powerful new form of
nanoscale computing has
been developed by scientists in Japan. BBC News
describes the
development as a "tiny chemical 'brain' which could one day act as a remote
control for swarms of nano-machines." The innovative device is made of
duroquinone, a compound
composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which suggests that it might become a
key component of an early-generation nanofactory.
MSNBC has an excellent
article online about the new computing technique and also offers an
interesting video to
illustrate it.
More Enabling Technologies
CRN has been tracking numerous examples of
enabling technologies
that may help pave the way for molecular manufacturing.
Over the last several weeks, these are some of the most interesting that we’ve
Visions of the Future
A new three-part TV series
from the BBC features leading theoretical physicist and futurist Dr Michio Kaku
exploring the cutting edge of science. In part three of the series, Kaku says:
“Amazingly, we can now manipulate individual atoms. We can pick
them up, move them around, and even play with them. Today we can manipulate
individual atoms, but this is just the beginning of a journey -- a journey which
will ultimately give us the power to manipulate the very stuff of our universe:
matter itself. We are on the brink of a revolution which will give us control --
exquisite control -- of our physical world.”
Part three covers, among other things, bloodstream nanobots,
space elevators, invisibility, teleportation, and military nanobots. A good deal
of time is also spent presenting the concept of a desktop nanofactory.
You can watch all
parts online.
Empowering Hope
CRN’s latest
monthly column for the popular Nanotechnology Now web portal is by
our Director of Impacts Analysis, Jamais
Cascio. His article is titled "Super-Empowered Hopeful Individuals." Here is
the abstract:
Most discussions of the benefits of molecular manufacturing tend
to focus either on broad social advances or individual desires that such a
transformative technology may be able to satisfy. These are surely useful ways
of thinking about a nanotech-enabled world. But what if this model misses
another category, one that may be less noticeable precisely because we pay so
much attention to its opposite?
We hope you'll read
all our
columns, offer feedback, and tell others about them too.
Disruptive Nanotechnology
A California newspaper, Palo Alto Weekly, has a cover story on
nanotechnology. It's a long article that covers both current work in nanoscale
technologies and the more futuristic possibilities of molecular manufacturing.
CRN executive director Mike Treder was interviewed for the piece and quoted
extensively in it. You can read the whole article
Religion & Nanotech
In February, the University of Wisconsin-Madison released the results of a study
on religion and nanotechnology. A
press release about their findings deals with the question: “Is
nanotechnology morally acceptable?”
The article generated significant coverage online, including
numerous comments at
CRN’s blog.
New Nano TV Show
"Nanotechnology: The
Power of Small" is coming to U.S. public television stations in April 2008.
The program, produced by the Fred Friendly Seminars and sponsored by the
National Science Foundation, comprises three episodes:
PRIVACY - Watching You Watching Me
HEALTH - Forever Young
ENVIRONMENT - Clean, Green, and Unseen
CRN’s Mike Treder was asked by the makers of the program to preview it and give
them a reaction. Afterwards,
he wrote:
Imagine yourself sitting in an audience at a university symposium
and watching a large and diverse panel of experts from science, business, and
activist groups debate the merits of advanced nanotechnology. That's exactly the
experience you'll have in viewing this program. Unlike many so-called science
specials on TV these days, "The Power of Small" takes its subject seriously and
treats its audience as intelligent, discriminating adults. Thankfully, there are
no flashy graphics, no distracting camera tricks or special effects; just smart,
thoughtful people led by a capable moderator discussing provocative issues.
Overall, I was quite impressed.
Debating CRN's Scope
Although we call ourselves the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, we've
confined our focus to a specific, powerful application of advanced
nanotechnology known as molecular manufacturing.
However, not everyone believes that CRN should continue concentrating only on
molecular manufacturing and its implications. We’ve recently had a
good long discussion on our blog about whether, how, and why CRN should
consider expanding our scope. Please let us know if you have anything to add!
Archiving Nanotech Interviews
Sander Olson is one of the original developers of the NanoApex and
NanoMagazine websites. Over the years, Sander has conducted numerous
conversations with notable figures working in or commenting on the field of
nanotechnology. Since the acquisition of his sites in 2005 by the International
Small Technology Network, many of Sander's interviews have not been available on
the web.
To correct this, CRN created a page on our
main website as an archive of his interviews. In recent weeks, we’ve added
Sander’s in-depth talks with Jeff Chinn, Hugo DeGaris, Jack Dunietz, Glenn
Fishbine, J. Storrs Hall, Jeffrey Harrow, Gary Mezo, Jagdish Narayan, and James
Guest Science Essay: Atomic Force Microscopy
By Michael Berger, editor-in-chief of Nanowerk
(This article was
originally published on March 10, 2008, at Nanowerk.com and is reprinted
here by permission.)
Whenever you read an article about nano this or nano that, chances are you come
across a large number of confusing three-letter acronyms - AFM, SFM, SEM, TEM,
SPM, FIB, CNT and so on. It seems scientists earn extra kudos when they come up
with a new three-letter combination. One of the most important acronyms in
nanotechnology is AFM - Atomic Force Microscopy. This instrument has become the
most widely used tool for imaging, measuring and manipulating matter at the
nanoscale and in turn has inspired a variety of other scanning probe techniques.
Originally the AFM was used to image the topography of surfaces, but by
modifying the tip it is possible to measure other quantities (for example,
electric and magnetic properties, chemical potentials, friction and so on), and
also to perform various types of spectroscopy and analysis. Today we take a look
at one of the instruments that has it all made possible. So far, over 20,000 AFM-related
papers have been published; over 500 patents were issued related to various
forms of scanning probe microscopes (SPM); several dozen companies are involved
in manufacturing SPM and related instruments, with an annual worldwide turnover
of $250–300 million, and approx. 10,000 commercial systems sold (not counting a
significant number of
home-built systems).
To put the AFM in its context: The reason why nanosciences and nanotechnologies
have taken off with such amazing force over the past 20 years is because our
ongoing quest for miniaturization has resulted in tools such as the AFM
(invented in 1986) or its precursor, the scanning tunneling microscope (STM;
invented in 1982. IBM has a website with a gallery of STM images
Combined with refined processes such as electron beam lithography, this allowed
scientists to deliberately manipulate and manufacture nanostructures, something
that wasn't possible before.
These engineered nanomaterials, either by way of a top-down approach (a bulk
material is reduced in size to nanoscale particles) or a bottom-up approach
(larger structures are built or grown atom by atom or molecule by molecule), go
beyond just a further step in miniaturization. They have broken a physical
barrier beyond, or rather: below, which the standard laws of physics are
replaced by what is called "quantum effects". Any material reduced to the
nanoscale can suddenly show very different properties than to what it shows on a
macro- and larger scale. For instance, opaque substances become transparent
(copper); inert materials become catalysts (platinum); stable materials turn
combustible (aluminum); solids turn into liquids at room temperature (gold);
insulators become conductors (silicon).
A second important aspect of the nanoscale is that the smaller nanoparticles get
the larger their relative surface area becomes. The larger the relative surface
area, the more reactive a particle becomes with regard to other substances. The
fascination with nanotechnology stems from these unique quantum and surface
phenomena that matter exhibits at the nanoscale, enabling novel applications and
interesting materials.
But without the AFM, all this wouldn't be happening.
The term microscope in the name is actually a misnomer because it implies
looking, while in fact the information is gathered by feeling the surface with a
mechanical probe. The operation principle of an AFM is based on three key
1) an atomically sharp tip (the "probe"), placed at the end of a flexible
cantilever beam, that is brought into physical contact with the surface of a
sample. The cantilever beam deflects in proportion to the force of interaction;
2) a piezoelectric transducer to facilitate positioning and scanning the probe
in three dimensions over the sample with very precise movements; and
3) a feedback system to detect the interaction of the probe with the sample.
Scanning across the surface, the sharp tip follows the bumps and grooves formed
by the atoms on the surface. By monitoring the deflections of the flexible
cantilever beam one can generate a topography of the surface.
This principle has been the basis for one of the most important nanoscience
tools and allowed the visualization of nanoscale objects where conventional
optics cannot resolve them due to the wave nature of light.
A recently published article in the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,
written by Martijn de Jager and John van Noort, both from the University of
Leiden in the Netherlands, gives an excellent overview of
Atomic Force Microscopy
and its applications in life sciences. Below we are summarizing some of the key
information from this article.
The AFM can be operated in a number of modes, depending on the application but
four modes are most commonly used for AFM imaging: contact mode (or constant
height mode), where the deflection of the cantilever is directly used as a
measure for the height of the tip and the normal force applied to the sample
scales directly with its height. In constant force mode, the normal force the
cantilever deflection under scanning reflects repulsive forces acting upon the
tip, and at sufficiently small scanning velocities the force feedback can reduce
the normal force. Tapping mode (or noncontact mode), where the tip is vibrated
(oscillating at its resonance frequency) perpendicular to the specimen plane to
avoid gouging the specimen as the tip is scanned laterally and the lateral
forces are reduced. In a fourth mode of scanning, the force–distance mode, the
tip is brought to the sample at frequencies far below the resonance frequency of
the cantilever while at the same time the deflection is recorded. This allows
one to measure the local interaction as a function of the tip-sample distance.
As de Jager and van Noort write in their article, large numbers of various
biological samples, including cells, cell compartments and biomolecules, have
been studied with AFM. "In some of these studies, AFM is used as a plain imaging
tool to investigate the topography of immobilized and/or fixed samples,
complementing existing methods such as electron microscopy, with the advantage
that sample preparation is generally more straightforward. For other
experiments, the use of AFM is a prerequisite to look at nonfixed materials and
even their dynamics in aqueous environment. Besides its imaging capabilities AFM
is becoming increasingly important as a nanomanipulation tool. The
single-molecule analysis of interaction forces, elasticity and tertiary protein
structure in intact biological materials is uniquely possible using AFM."
Introducing this vast body of research is beyond the scope of any article. Let's
just take a look at two examples illustrated in the paper:
Imaging Cells
"AFM imaging of living cells provides a direct measurement of cell morphology
with nanometer resolution in three dimensions. Because of its noninvasive nature
and the absence of fixation and staining, even dynamic processes like exocytosis,
infection by virus particles and budding of enveloped viruses have been
successfully visualized in successive scans. Owing to the high elasticity of the
cell membrane, the tip can deeply indent the cell without disrupting the
membrane. Making use of this effect, even submembraneous structures such as
cytoskeletal elements or organelles like transport vesicles can be revealed.
However, due to the elasticity of the cell the contact area between the tip and
the sample increases with increasing applied force. The elastic modulus of
living cells varies between 10 and 100 kPa, which results in a tip sample
contact area of 50–100nm in the softest region of the cell. Therefore, the
(sub-) nanometer resolution that is routinely achieved on more rigid samples
cannot be achieved on membranes of intact cells."
Structure, Function and Interaction of Single DNA and Protein Molecules
"Besides the analysis of cells and cell membranes, AFM-based methods to study
purified single molecules like proteins, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA) have developed rapidly in the past decade. Unique details
on the mechanism and function of DNA- and RNA metabolizing proteins can directly
be obtained by quantification of the number, position, volume and shape of
protein molecules on their substrate. Like other single molecule techniques all
individual instances of the entire population of structures are revealed, also
showing rare but important species. Further insights in the mechanism of a
reaction can be obtained from image analysis by measuring parameters such as
protein-induced DNA bending, wrapping and looping. Besides topography imaging,
force spectroscopy has been successful in unraveling tertiary structure in
proteins, RNA and other polymers."
Although it already is an essential tool for structural analysis and
manipulation of complex macromolecules and living cells, it is to be expected
that AFM-based applications will be further extended in the future. Technical
developments will advance the AFM system itself, by improvement of resolution,
image rate, sensitivity and functionality. A combination with complementary
techniques will fill in some limitations of AFM.
To fully exploit the potential of AFM to study functional biomolecules and their
interactions, de Jager and van Noort say that video microscopy would be needed
to capture dynamic events. "Currently, the scan rate is limited by the
mechanical response of the cantilever and the piezo. Smaller cantilevers will
result in higher resonance frequencies, allowing faster scanning rates. By
reducing the size of the cantilevers one order of magnitude, the frame rate can
be reduced from typically a minute down to video rate, allowing the study of a
significantly larger range of biomolecular processes."
The two researchers expect the most important developments for the tip itself.
"Image resolution in all modes is dependent on tip geometry. The reduction of
tip size, increase of its aspect ratio and its resistance to wear as a result of
scanning will have a considerable impact on all AFM applications."
For instance, researchers at Harvard and Stanford universities have developed a
specially designed
cantilever tip, the torsional harmonic cantilever (THC), which offers orders
of magnitude improvements in temporal resolution, spatial resolution,
indentation and mechanical loading compared to conventional tools.
With high operating speed, increased force sensitivity and excellent lateral
resolution, this tool facilitates practical mapping of nanomechanical
C-R-Newsletter #61:
January 31, 2008
U.S. Basic Science in Decline
Is the Future Safe?
Insights from Nanotechnology
Wise-Nano Wiki Upgrade
Mind Changing
Enabling Nanotech Update
Feature Essay: CRN at Five
Years Old
Every month is full
of activity for CRN. To follow the latest happenings on a daily basis,
be sure to check our
Responsible Nanotechnology weblog.
U.S. Basic Science in Decline
January brought
gloomy news about the state of basic science research in the United States.
We read about big cuts in funding for
high-energy physics and fusion programs, important
national research laboratories, and
biomedical research.
Does it matter to the rest of the world if science funding in the United States
is flat or declining? We think it does, partly because the U.S. economy and
federal budgets are by far the largest in the world — meaning they have the
ability to support more basic science research than anyone else — but also
because so much vital policy toward science and technology emanates from the
United States.
If the U.S. government is unwilling to provide adequate funding for basic
science, that sends a message to business, government, and research institutions
worldwide: that science is less important than other priorities (such as making
war and making profits), and that the benefits of basic research are not worth
supporting, even if it means that future generations — not to mention our own
generation — will suffer as a result.
Is the Future Safe?
A recurring theme on our Responsible Nanotechnology blog this month was the
future of conflict and violence. Are they truly on the decline, as some analysis
suggests, and if so, can that happy development be maintained?
Read more about it in our blog entries on
The Death of Murder,
Soldiers Gone, and
Potential for Nano Warfare.
Insights from Nanotechnology Scenarios
Our latest monthly column for the popular Nanotechnology Now web portal
has been posted. This month's entry is by CRN’s Director of Impacts Analysis,
Jamais Cascio. His article is titled “What
Did We Learn?”
Here is how it begins:
As enjoyable as it
can be to construct future histories and stories of what the coming years
might hold, the goal of a scenario planning process is to help people make
better decisions by giving them a sense of the implications of different
choices. While the individual scenarios trigger their own particular
conclusions, several insights arise from looking at the set of scenarios as a
Wise-Nano Wiki Upgrade
Many of our readers probably are familiar with the
wiki site started
a few years ago by CRN. Recently, we completed a successful upgrade to the
site’s MediaWiki software, using the expert assistance of Nato Welch, CRN's Tech
Support Specialist.
We invite everyone to take a look at the material collected by the community at
Wise-Nano, and consider making your own contributions. That could be done by
improving, editing, discussing, or expanding on existing material, or
contributing one or more articles of your own that are relevant to the
development of molecular manufacturing.
Mind Changing
What have you changed your mind about?
That's the
annual question for this year at Edge.com. A total of 165 thinkers from
around the world gave their answers.
A few of
our favorites were
Smith, who discussed the collapse of Arctic sea ice,
Schank, who wrote about the possibilities for Artificial Intelligence,
Morton, who changed his mind about human spaceflight,
Porco, who's thinking about the ways our future on this planet might evolve,
Silver, who has new thoughts on the persistence of supernatural beliefs,
Kevin Kelly,
who now thinks differently about the Wikipedia,
Calvin, who wrote about abrupt climate change, and
Martin Rees,
who has reconsidered his ideas about very long-term planning.
Enabling Nanotech Update
Enabling nanotechnologies are those that may represent significant steps
toward the eventual realization of
exponential general-purpose molecular manufacturing. These kinds of
technologies are not yet molecular manufacturing, in the classic sense, and in
fact their developers may not be actively working in that direction. However,
progress made by these technologies can bear watching, because they may enable,
or make easier, the development of significant portions of molecular
manufacturing's full range of needed technical
Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen reports on four specific technological
developments that we thought were of special interest. You can read about them
“DNA Fabricator” and “Darkest Ever Material”
“World’s Best Microscope” and “Perfect Nanowires”
Feature Essay: CRN at Five Years Old
By Mike Treder,
Executive Director
In our previous
newsletter, we promised that this month we would offer an assessment of
CRN’s first five years and present an overview of our accomplishments, our
disappointments, and our plans for the future.
A useful way to approach this task might
be to go back and consider what we believed and what we said when we started CRN
and what we have learned since then.
Early in 2003, we published the following
foundational statements that summarized CRN's basic
A) Effective use of nanotechnology can
benefit everyone.
Advanced nanotechnology promises the
ability to build precise machines and components of molecular size. Using
mechanically guided chemistry, rapid prototyping, and automated assembly, a
nanofactory could combine components into large and complex products. A
personal nanofactory should be able to provide cheap, clean, rapid
manufacturing; the resulting abundance has the potential to alleviate most
shortages, and enable a high standard of living for everyone who has access to
it. Rapid, cheap, flexible manufacturing will allow swift development of new
inventions, spurring innovation and creating further benefits. We are
dedicated to the principle of making these benefits available as widely as
possible through effective administration of molecular manufacturing.
B) Unwise use of nanotechnology can be
very dangerous.
A technology this powerful could easily be
misused. The rapid development cycle and massive manufacturing capability may
lead to an unstable arms race between competing powers. Excessive restrictions
may lead to an inhumane gap between rich and poor, and may encourage a black
market in bootleg, unsafe molecular manufacturing technology. Insufficient
restrictions may allow small groups and even individuals to produce
undesirable products or terrorist tools. The products of a nanofactory could
have unprecedented power and efficiency. Some restrictions, implemented
worldwide, will probably be necessary for sufficient control of the use of
molecular manufacturing.
C) Nanofactory technology can be used
The manufacturing capability of advanced
nanotechnology might be encapsulated in a device of convenient size, with
built-in mechanisms for restricting the products it can make. A box the size
of a microwave oven would provide ample manufacturing capacity for a
household; such a format would be suitable for private ownership, and is
easily large enough to contain all necessary functionality for safe use,
including elimination of any chemical emissions, and various security
technologies. The security features would ensure that the factory would only
make approved products; several approval processes could be instituted for the
use of various groups and situations. By using nanofactories with built-in
restrictions, necessary control could be imposed while allowing widespread use
of molecular manufacturing.
D) Preventing nanotechnology is
impossible; careful study will be necessary for wise use.
Many nations around the world have already
established nanotechnology programs, spending hundreds of millions of dollars
per year. Many enabling technologies are developing rapidly. There is no
realistic way to relinquish or prevent all development that could lead to
robust molecular manufacturing, and there are compelling military and economic
reasons for its development—in many different countries. Meanwhile, estimates
of the technology's ultimate potential, and the timeline and cost for
development, vary widely. Information is power; only through intensive studies
can we ensure that the developers and the future administrators of this
powerful capability have the tools they need to make the right decisions. A
detailed understanding of molecular manufacturing technology is necessary to
prepare for its eventual development.
E) Effective use of nanotechnology will
require intelligent and prudent policy-making.
Like a computer, a nanotechnology
manufacturing system could be incredibly flexible—useful for a wide range of
tasks. The administration of a single technology with a multitude of uses,
many of them dangerous, poses a unique problem. No single organization can
effectively tackle this problem. A single point of control will not be
responsive enough to choose the correct set of restrictions for every case,
when decisions must be made rapidly and too much restriction may be as bad as
too little; however, some worldwide control will probably be necessary. An
organization with a single focus, such as military or commercial, cannot make
good decisions about unrelated purposes; an organization that tries to
accommodate everyone will probably make unwise compromises. Predicting the
effects of any choice will require a detailed understanding of the potential
of the technology. Well-informed policy must be set, and administrative
institutions carefully designed and established, before molecular
manufacturing is developed.
F) The situation is urgent; nanofactories
may be developed within a decade.
Development of molecular manufacturing
technology will rapidly become easier. Computer chips have parts only 120
atoms wide, and getting smaller; molecules bigger than that have already been
constructed. Several technologies allow direct creation of complex structures
less than 20 atoms wide, and single-atom lithography is being developed.
Automated assembly has been used for decades; rapid prototyping is quickly
developing from industrial to home use. Molecular manufacturing and assembly
will be simpler and easier in many ways than normal manufacturing. Rapid
development programs, some of which may be secret, competitive, and
unregulated, will be driven by powerful economic and military incentives.
To be prepared for the coming development of molecular manufacturing
technology, we must start planning for it immediately.
Let’s take those points one at a time and
see if they still apply today, in early 2008.
Effective use of nanotechnology can
benefit everyone.
— What’s suggested here is that the
benefits of molecular manufacturing might not be
distributed equitably unless we make certain choices. We still believe this, and
although we have offered arguments to support our
position and
engaged others in discussion, the issue is still open and may not be decided
for quite some time. It’s really an old, classic debate about how much the state
should intervene in markets, but we think the unprecedented potential
productivity of advanced nanotechnology makes it more
relevant than ever. We will continue to emphasize this aspect of our message.
Unwise use of nanotechnology can be
very dangerous.
— Over the years, perhaps not surprisingly,
this point has brought more attention to CRN than any other. We have raised
concerns about the potential for a new arms race, about environmental
implications, about job loss and economic disruption, about ubiquitous intrusive
surveillance, and many other dangers. We’re gratified
that the
public at large seems to have caught on to the seriousness of the risks
we’ve raised and placed them in proper perspective versus the still important
but less critical worries about things like nanoparticle toxicity. Of course,
there is nothing close to agreement on CRN’s assertion that “some
restrictions, implemented worldwide, will
probably be necessary for sufficient control of the use of molecular
manufacturing.” That’s one of our most controversial positions, but we have not
yet seen a reason to change it.
Nanofactory technology can be used
— We’re proud to have taken the lead in
proposing extensive plans for safe use of personal
nanofactories. Our suggested approach of wide distribution combined with
built-in technical restrictions almost always garners positive response.
Granted, it will be anything but easy to design and implement such a system, but
the basic concepts seem to be sound.
Preventing nanotechnology is
impossible; careful study will be necessary for wise use.
— This point was made against a backdrop of
some individuals and groups calling for a moratorium
on nanotechnology research and development or even outright
relinquishment of the technology. Fortunately, such cries have found little
CRN’s position that advanced nanotechnology should be developed as fast as
it can be done safely and responsibly appears to be the mainstream consensus,
and with good reason. The potential benefits are far
too great to be relinquished, and the best way to head off
risks is to carefully study and understand the
technology, and then to develop it under sensible guidelines.
Effective use of nanotechnology will
require intelligent and prudent policy-making.
— There are three key points in this
position: first, that the issues involved are complex and overlapping, meaning
that no simple solution will work; second, that a
laissez faire approach could be very dicey because the
dangers are too great to allow for unregulated dissemination of nanofactory
technology; and, third, that policy choices must be made and
administrative systems put in place before
the technology is complete. The first point seems self-evident and has largely
been accepted, although we suspect that the enormous implications of this
overwhelming complexity are not yet fully appreciated. The second point is
controversial, of course, and this is an area where CRN is open to considering
that we might be wrong. Good arguments can be made for the effectiveness
— indeed, perhaps even the necessity
— of supporting emergent networked
solutions instead of top-down imposed solutions. That’s an ongoing discussion.
The third point is equally controversial, and arguably unachievable, but because
it focuses attention on how molecular manufacturing is potentially so
disruptive, we think it is worth bringing up again and again.
The situation is urgent;
nanofactories may be developed within a decade.
— Now, we get to the heart of the matter.
Unless CRN can establish the urgency factor suggested by this final point, then
all of the other positions stated above may be considered only of academic
interest and not necessary for critical debate, or at least not for a long time.
So, where are we today?
Since CRN was founded in December 2002,
we’ve seen remarkable progress in the development of technologies that may
contribute to the eventual achievement of exponential general-purpose molecular
manufacturing. We won’t go down the whole list, because it is too long (see the
Enabling Nanotech Update above for some examples), but it now seems obvious to
us and to many scientists and other observers that the feasibility question is
well on its way to being settled. The contention that building productive
nanoscale machinery is impossible for this reason or that reason has faded into
the background. On the point of whether or not molecular manufacturing is
feasible, CRN and our allies apparently have won the argument.
A larger question exists, however, about
urgency. Feasibility is only one factor; the other is imminence. There is a huge
difference between saying that nanofactories will be developed someday
and saying that they will be developed soon. We have based our appeals to
policy makers and to the public on the idea that immediate
action was needed. Originally, we claimed that the technology “might become
a reality by 2010, likely will by 2015, and almost certainly will by 2020.”
we revised that projection to say “might become a reality by 2010 to 2015,
more plausibly will by 2015 to 2020, and almost certainly will by 2020 to 2025.”
It’s interesting to note that while CRN’s
time frame for the expected development of molecular
manufacturing has shifted back by approximately five years, the mainstream
scientific community’s position has been moving forward, from a point of
‘never’, to ‘maybe by the end of the century’, to ‘not until at least 2050’, and
now to ‘perhaps around 2030 or so’. These projections might not yet match up
exactly with CRN’s, but the gap is steadily shrinking.
So, we’re seeing agreement about
feasibility, and a convergence around the likely time frame. These are
both positive developments, as uncertainty is being removed.
And that’s where we stand today. The
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology has accomplished a great deal in five
years, clarifying and sharpening the discussion, forcing our concerns onto the
agenda, and moving the mainstream closer to our positions. Our challenge now is
to take a step back and see what we most want to achieve during the next five
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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